How I'd grow this startup | STFO 🤘

A couple of weeks ago, I got a question from the Head of Marketing of a fintech startup.

Biggest problem… we are focusing on building organic growth. Starting to focus more on SEO content, linked back to personas, distributing content where the audience is and testing content via social media before going deep on content themes/topics.
My biggest problem is how long this strategy will last with the launch of Searchgpt and AI search engines. Will there be much value left in broad-term keywords, as people at this stage typically just want answers to their questions vs. caring about who the answer is from? If we focus on mid-funnel and long tail, my gut tells me this strategy has more longevity as you reach people who are solution-aware…

Essentially, how will AI search engines affect the future of SEO and their lead gen tactics, especially for broad vs. specific keywords?

My short answer:

I have no clue.

My longer answer:

I don't care enough about SEO to be knowledgeable enough to answer this specific question. However, it's helpful to take a couple of steps back to understand the broader problem—which, in this case, is how to grow.

That, I can answer.

Let's assume that this fintech startup has a unique positioning and a distinctive brand. They now need to continuously reach as many of the right people as possible when it’s the most relevant to them (within their means).

That nonstop activity would constantly put them in front of the people in their segment so they see them all the time, think about them all the time, and remember them when the time is right for them to buy.

But I can't help any further unless I know the following about their customers:

  • Job. What did they try to accomplish?
  • Alternatives. What other solutions have they used or considered in the process?
  • Struggles. What problems were they trying to solve?
  • Segment. What customer information is relevant to the story?
  • Category. What other things belong in the same group as this product or service?
  • Triggers. What specific events compelled them to act?

Only then can I put together a plan for continuous reach that would look like this:

For folks who are not ready to buy (future category buyers)

Show up continuously in the right context, without trying to convince them to buy.

  • Invest in channels with a “brand-building” objective (becoming top-of-mind).
  • Focus on triggers that take place early in the buying journey.
  • Make sure people know your category.
  • Consistently show your distinctive brand assets.

For folks who are ready to buy (current category buyers)

Present offers in a way that feels like you’re reading their minds.

  • Invest in channels with a “sales activation” objective (generating sales).
  • Focus on triggers that take place late in the buying journey.
  • Consistently show your distinctive brand assets.
  • Show how you solve ignored struggle(s) to get the job done.
  • Then explain the “cost” of staying with the alternative(s).
  • Then tell them what you are—your category—and who you are for—your segment.
  • Finally, show them what to do next with an offer.

To sum up:

I have no idea if SEO content is the best way for this fintech startup to expand. But I am sure about one thing: to stand the f*ck out, we need to take a step back, focus on the basics, and put more effort into core marketing principles that are never going to change.

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