It's like waking up a hibernating squirrel | STFO šŸ¤˜

Our minds are on autopilot 95% of the time, and this is perhaps THE most important thing you need to know about people. Daniel Kahneman, winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, proposed that our brains operate using two distinct systems:

Therefore, introducing something new to your segmentā€™s brains is like attempting to wake up an Arctic ground squirrel buried under the snow in deep hibernation.

Its body temperature drops as low as -2.9Ā°C without freezing, the lowest known body temperature of any mammal in hibernation. Its heart rate slows from 200 beats per minute to 1 beat every few seconds. In short, the rodent isn't just asleep; it's almost dead.

More often than not, people's brains operate in a state of conservation, sticking to known patterns and resisting change.

So here's today's tip:

Whenever you think of marketing something, ask yourself, "Is it likely to bypass people's hibernating state?"

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