Miniature tent | STFO 🤘

I've found this picture of miniature tents a couple of weeks back:


We tend to expect way too much from people, way too soon.

We think they know everything about our product, category, and company. So we put everything in front of them. We expect them to buy on the first visit or to sign up for our email list without really trusting us.

But this violates some important principles.

Think about the foot-in-the-door principle. To get people to spend a lot of time, energy, or resources with you, you need to warm them up by starting with something small.

The other principle is that humans satisfice (a portmanteau term coined by Economy Nobel-Prize winner Herbert A. Simon that mixes satisfying and sufficient).

We tend to choose the least uncertain option in a specific context instead of the objectively best one. For someone who doesn't know you, the least uncertain option is to skip you, and/or choose something else, and/or do something else.

What's your miniature tent?