"Oh and Louis... f*ck you" | STFO 🀘

Bonjour bonjour Reader,

Should I include a foreword in my book? And who should I ask to write it?
Because I don't know about you, but I NEVER read the foreword.
1) I want to learn something from the author, not some rando I don't know.
2) It's just an a$$-licking exercise. "Oh [author] is so great. This book is going to change the way you think about [topic]. It's gonna revolutionize your work and 120x your revenue overnight. Now let me write some more so I can plug my sh*t."
But I still wanted the trust factor that comes from a foreword written by someone way, way, way more accomplished than I am.
Joe Pullizi, the Godfather of Content Marketing, came to mind immediately. I sent him a message on LinkedIn, and he said he'd be happy to do it. He's written forewords for 20+ authors, so I knew he'd come back with something that would slap.
He sent me the first draft, and it was perfect... for most marketing books. But it didn't feel right for mine.
"Do I tell him? I'm going to sound like a d*ck. Okay, maybe I should just say that it's great... It's just the foreword, after all..."
Then I kinda forget about it.
8 days later, an email from Joe, "Did this work for you?"
"Well, f*ck, I'm just going to have to tell him," I thought.
Here's what I wrote back:
"I know it may sound cheeky coming from someone who hasn't accomplished 1% of what you have, but 1) I didn't feel your personality come through, 2) It needs to SLAP more, maybe with a story?, and 3) I never read forewords, and I suspect most of my readers won't either... Unless we make it so good, they have to read it."
I've built my brand on being myself 100% of the time. It felt good to send this, but I know Joe is going to f*cking hate me for it.
Anyway, I'm not going to spoil it, but a couple of hours later, he came back with a foreword that ended like this:

Now that's a foreword that slaps.

Hopefully, you won't skip it.

Louis Grenier

A recovering Frenchman who helps marketers stand the f*ck out.

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