Bonjour bonjour! Join 14,000+ marketing weirdos who learn to stand the f*ck out in 2 min a day. Get ONE super-practical tip Monday to Friday. 🤘
Bonjour bonjour Reader, This is Part 3 of my simple, no-nonsense guide to finding customers when you have no audience, no money to spend on ads, and no social media presence. In Part 1, I explained how to locate where your ideal customers spend their time when they're in the zone for your products or services. You should now have a rough list of channels - websites, podcasts, events, social media accounts, and more. In Part 2, instead of cold-emailing hundreds of names from a spreadsheet, I...
Bonjour bonjour Reader, Last week, I was coaching a solopreneur and father-of-three who didn't know "how to package [his] knowledge in the best way to help people and get sales." He knew he could do a lot of things... But he also knew he shouldn't do all of them. I knew about his business beforehand, so it wasn't difficult to arrive prepared for our coaching call. In fact, He was a classic case of "labelutimitis" – obsessed with defining himself instead of what he actually sold. It's a...
Bonjour bonjour Reader, Yesterday, I mentioned I'm hitting pause on my podcast to focus on finishing my book and publishing it on time. Today, I want to look back at the 50 episodes published over the last 12 months by selecting the ones that moved me the most. It doesn't mean I hated the other ones. It's just that, at the stage I'm at both in terms of business and life in general, some themes are resonating more than others. In no particular order: How this solopreneur runs a $400k business...
Bonjour bonjour Reader, Should I include a foreword in my book? And who should I ask to write it?Because I don't know about you, but I NEVER read the foreword. 1) I want to learn something from the author, not some rando I don't know.2) It's just an a$$-licking exercise. "Oh [author] is so great. This book is going to change the way you think about [topic]. It's gonna revolutionize your work and 120x your revenue overnight. Now let me write some more so I can plug my sh*t."But I still wanted...
Bonjour bonjour Reader, I've come to admire people who can distill a huge amount of information into one single page because they haven't succumbed to the belief that more is better. More words. More complexity. More acronyms. More all the things. As Peep Laja says, "Simplicity is underrated; complexity is fake-smart." As I put the finishing touches on my book, I'm admiring those people even more because distilling insights into one page means making decisions for the people you seek to...
I may not have bought Bitcoin at $10, but I've made pretty good bets over the last few years.I stumbled upon this graph in my screenshot folder last week: It's the number of downloads my podcast got when I launched it 7 years ago. Back then, most people I knew hadn't even heard of podcasts. Now, everyone and their dog has one.The beauty of being early is that you don't have to fight that hard for attention. If I launched Everyone Hates Marketers today, I doubt it would have taken off. The...
The picture below should give you nightmares: Source People love to criticize, especially when it's safe and easy. Plus, for folks outside of marketing (Cassie from IT, I see you!), this activity is a fun break from their day-to-day. As a result, we, marketers, often get bombarded with useless opinions disguised as "feedback" — a bit like asking a toddler to judge a Michelin-star meal. If you really, really, really need input from others, my recommendation is to: Clarify exactly what you want...