
Stand The F*ck Out

Bonjour bonjour! Join 14,000+ marketing weirdos who learn to stand the f*ck out in 2 min a day. Get ONE super-practical tip Monday to Friday. 🤘

"I have a big nose" | STFO 🤘

Bonjour bonjour Reader, I got an interesting reply from yesterday's email about Lilas Louise's grey hair. I am going to let you read it first: Not sure you are willing to offer free advice, so I understand if this email goes unanswered. I have a big nose. It's the one feature people notice about me right away. Adults generally don't comment on it, but I know behind closed doors, I can imagine conversations like: Rick: "You mentioned [redacted]. Who is he?" Suzie: "You know, [redacted]. The...

Do you have gray hair? | STFO 🤘

Bonjour bonjour Reader, Meet Lilas Louise Maréchaud: She's a former lawyer who now owns a hiring agency for... lawyers. We met "virtually" a few years back and "for real" last year during a private workshop I ran in Paris. But that's not what I want to discuss today. Lilas Louise started getting gray hair when she was only a teen. When it started to spread, she quickly decided not to dye her hair—too much hassle. Little did she know that this decision led to a competitive advantage years...

I'm not flying solo anymore | STFO 🤘

Bonjour bonjour Reader, OK, I can't hold it any longer... I don't have a solo business anymore!Diana De Jesus has joined the team as our General Manager!! She's in charge of running the day-to-day to make sure we get sh*t done—so I can spend most of my time doing what I do best (getting the business known, in short). Her first big project is to make sure our motherf*cking book is getting the launch it deserves.This is a massive move for me; I never really thought I'd hire a team after my...

The mist | STFO 🤘

Bonjour bonjour Reader, Today, I'm passing the baton to David Barrow. His guest contribution is not about standing the f*ck out, per se. But, since keeping their brains in check is everyone's single point of failure... David's essay about mental health has everything to do with standing the f*ck out. Sometimes, it takes a spark, a small event—dropping your watch as you put it on, the dog walk going off plan, the train making you four minutes late, or a meeting getting canceled that plays with...

Dave's first ever white paper | STFO 🤘

Bonjour bonjour Reader, It's here. Copywriter Dave Harland's first-ever white paper. Giving you the tactical, strategical, and demonical edge over anybody who dares compete with you. All yours for the exquisite price of zero pounds, zero pence. How to harness, leverage and elevate innovative AI solutions to super/turbo charge your productivity and rain down fire on your competitors. Source: Louis Grenier A recovering...

I nearly f*cked it up | STFO 🤘

Bonjour bonjour Reader, I'm so glad I'm working on my book "in public." A few days ago, I included my book cover at the bottom of my newsletter: To be honest, I didn't expect much feedback. I tend to get fewer replies on Fridays, and with July here, most of us are in vacation mode. And I thought the book cover SLAPPED, so I didn't think much would come of it. But then... Replies poured in. And the most surprising part? Almost all of them said the same thing: For reference, this is what Mark...

My 2-phase book launch | STFO 🤘

Bonjour bonjour Reader, Yesterday, I asked for inspiration for non-fiction book landing pages and packages... And you delivered! Your answers are below. But before that, I want to briefly explain why I asked for your input. My idea for the book launch is to divide it into two phases: direct sales and broad reach. Phase 1 - Direct Sales I am going to sell the book directly on my website in three formats—ebook, paperback (black & white), and hardcover (colors)—using Lulu Direct to fulfill those...